- Dr. S. V. Ranasde
Environment - A Global Problem
Preservation of Environmental Quality has become a sensitive issue on a global scale.
Rapid urbanization and industrial growth have led to environmental pollution. In India, due to various reasons,there is no effective control on pollution due to industries and urban population, leading to heavy risk to public health and damage to natural resources.Environmental AwarenessIn order to create awareness about the deteriorating environmental quality and to motivate active participation of society in protecting environment,
Govt. of India has introduced Environmental Studies as the common subject in the education system at all levels. Negative ImpactNo doubt, it has created a positive impact on the society about the need of protecting environment, but there has been growth of social groups, NGOs who are opposing the development projects with a fear that development will lead to pollution and environmental degradation.

Need of Development
India needs rapid growth of industries, large scale housing construction activity and development of infrastructural facilities in water supply, energy, transportation and communication. This is necessary for eradication of poverty and employment generation.
Development without environmental degradation is possible if environmental pollution technology is implemented with proper planning, strict monitoring and effective control.Technology and Communication GapUnfortunately the environmental technology is a vast and dispersed field and need specialized knowledge of many basic sciences and technologies. The environmental managers and engineers, who design and execute projects are many a times, ill equipped with latest technologies, they are not trained to convince the decision makers about the importance of project. They also do not have good raport with society and social groups for ensuring complete environmental protection and quality conservation. as a result the environmental issues are often taken as the main reasons for opposing any development due to ignorance about capability of environmental protection technology for sustainable development.Focus on Sustainable Development.
With this aim in mind, Dnyandeep Foundation has developed this website, www.envis.org, as a web portal to focus on training of the environmental engineers, technocrats and project managers about the environmental problems, causes and solutions to speed up sustainable development in India.