Need for Time Management

Need for Time Management 

A project is generally a non-recurring endeavour having a definable start and finish, with a definite mission and has a set of objectives and achievements.

A construction project is initiated to create a built facility within a given time period. Time management of the project is necessary because of the following reasons:

a) Project may be required within a defined time period for fulfilling an identified need.

b) Project may be part of a larger project, which cannot be made operational until this project is completed.

c) Availability of resources such as personnel,funds, equipment and facilities have to be matched with the progress of the project.

d) Project is intended to be utilized by the concerned users who have to also organize their infrastructure in a certain time frame. It may be necessary to match the time frame of users with the time frame for completion of project in phases.

e) To provide the required directions and for organization of project functions and to coordinate the activities and responsibilities of various stakeholders.