Air Pollution


1. a) Explain in detail natural and man-made sources of air pollution by giving suitable examples.
b) What are the major components of ,the troposphere?
c) \'Explain the effect of SOz on human health.

2. a) Explain the effects of various air pollutants on different materials
b) A coal burning poweq)lant burns 6.25 tonnes of coal per hour and discharges the combustion products through a stack that has an effective height of 80 m,the coal has sulpher content 4.7% and the wind velocity at the top of stack is 8.0 m/s. Atmospheric conditions are moderately to slightly stable. Detyrmine the max. ground level conc. of SOz and the distance from the stack where it occurs.

3. a) Explai.n the different atmospheric stability conditions with respect to the lapse rate.
b) How is maximum mixing depth determined? What is the significance of MMD in
air pollution control?
4. a) Explain Gaussian Dispersion Model in detail. Explain the various terms in the equation.
b) Draw wind profiles with respect to height in urban and rural area.
c) Explain radiation and subsidence inversion.

5. Wrille short notes on any THREE:
1) London Episode.
2) Global effects of air pollution.
3) Reduction in visibility due to air pollution. 4) Heat island effect.
5) Determination of stack height.

6. a) What ate the differences between stack sampling and ambient air duality sampling? Explain giving schematic diagrams of sampling trains for each.
b) Explain in detail photochemical reactions.
7. a) An electrostatic precipitator is to be designed to remove fly ash particles from stack gases with a flow of 10 m3/s. Drift velocity can be taken as w = 3.0x1OS dp m/s. Determine the plate area required to collect 0.5 ~m particle with
a) 90% efficiency, b) 99% efficiency.
b) Describe with neat sketch the working of cyclone separater.
8: a) Describe with neat sketch the working of wet scrubber for removal of gaseous pollutants. .. .
b) What is the smallest diameter of particle in microns that can be removed with an efficiency of 85% in a gravity settling chamber which is 12 m long and 3 m high. The particle density is 2 gm/m3 and gas velocity is 0,78 m/sec. Mention how will you improve the efficiency.
9. a) Explain in detail the working of Boghouse Filter. Where it is commonly used?
b) Explain the different ways by which gaseous pollutants can be removed from air.
Explain in detail.
10. Write short notes on any THREE: 1) Isokinetic samplin~.
2) Ambient Air Quality Standards. 3) Automobile\' Exhaust.- ,~ 4) Different types of Adsorbers. 5) Air Pollution Criteria.