What is Black Liquor in Pulp Mill waste? Comment on its characteristics and method of treatment.
Is it possible to get zero wastewater discharge from sugar factory? If yes, then mention the modifications needed in manufacuring process and treatment flowsheet.
What are different waste streams from textle process unit. Indicate treatment needed for each.
What is the concept of Common Effluent Treatment Plant? What factors govern its performance efficiency?
What are various alternatives for treating spent wash from sugar distillery.
What are the main pollutants in steel mill waste?
How you can recycle paper mill wastewater/
What are the main pollutants in electroplating waste? How thay can be removed?
What is the role of anaerobic filter in removing trace toxic elements?
What are the characteristics of dairy waste?
Explain process of waste characterisation.
How would you determine the capacity of equalization tank.
What treatment can be given to Dyeing and bleaching waste.
What factors govern the self purification capacity of stream.
What is oxygen sag curve?