Project Characteristics

Project Characteristics

Approach to project time planning depends on the characteristics and complexity of the project; and accordingly for the purpose, the projects may be classified as follows:

a) With respect to the type of work, construction projects may be broadly categorized as:

1) Building projects;

2) Infrastructure projects;

3) Industrial projects; and

4) Other projects.

b) With respect to project completion time, projects may be categorized as:

1) Long duration projects (over 5 years);

2) Medium duration projects (3 to 5 years);

3) Short duration projects (1 to 3 years) ; and

4) Special short-term projects (less than 1 year).

c) With respect to project value, projects may be categorized as:

1) Mega value projects;

2) Large value projects;

3) Medium value projects; and

4) Small value projects.

d) With respect to speed of project execution, projects may be categorized as:

1) Fast track projects; and

2) Normal pace projects.

Project characteristics shall be assessed based on the above categorizations, in addition to its location, organizational setup and contract structure. Also, ‘Method statement’ and ‘Design basis’ shall be finalized. Accordingly, project time schedules shall be prepared.