Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The project shall be divided into manageable components at a level of detail appropriate for the duration and the complexity of the project. It shall be done with the help of work breakdown structure (WBS) technique that divides the project in an hierarchical order till the desired level of detail is reached. The project may be divided step-wise in the following

a) Total project;

b) Sub-projects;

c) Work packages;

d) Tasks; and

e) Minor tasks/activities.

Any of the above WBS components may also be identified as a contractual milestone and can be tracked. WBS shall be prepared with respect to,

a) stages of a project, that is, pre-construction, construction and commissioning and handing over stage.

b) functional or technological disciplines, that is, WBS is based on technological disciplines, for example, in a service intensive building, work of each discipline like civil and plumbing works, electrical works, airconditioning works, etc, is a sub-project.

c) organizational structure, that is, WBS is prepared as per the reporting structure, for example, works to be monitored by each department or hierarchy level is a sub-project.

d) physical location, that is, WBS based on spatial location, for example, each floor of a building is a sub-project. Preparation of WBS shall take into account the following:

a) Each WBS component shall have a deliverable;

b) All works in the scope of the project shall be included in the WBS; and

c) Each descending level of WBS shall represent more detail. WBS shall be prepared in a tree format or an outline-style and the lowest components in nodes shall be the activities to be considered for project scheduling. The prepared WBS shall be numbered with the help of a coding system which may be alpha-numeric in structure such that each activity is identified by a WBS code which reflects its position in the WBS structure, in the project and any of the classification that it represents.

A standardized WBS code structure shall be implemented in each organization.